17th DSBS HKUST, Hong Kong I am Julian Stauffer, a third-year PhD student in the Deep-Sea Biology working group at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany. I work on benthic habitat mapping with hydroacoustic and imaging methods. My main study regions are oceanic island groups in the North-East Atlantic. I am mainly […]
FYORD Travel Grant Reports: Master’s students travelling to international conferences
The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU24) I am Carlos Arenas, a doctoral researcher from the Marine Geodynamics department at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. I investigate the thermal structure of the Pegasus Basin, located at the southern end of the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. By analyzing seismic records and modelling subsurface […]
FYORD Summer School “Dive Into Change”
Throwback to the FYORD summer school, organized by PostDocs for Master’s and PhD students At the beginning of this year, a group of postdocs from GEOMAR and Kiel University, with the great support of FYORD and PACT, came together to brainstorm ideas for a potential summer school tailored for Masters and PhD students in marine […]
FYORD Travel Grant Reports: Master’s students travelling to international conferences
Visiting an international conference as a Master’s student In July, the International Conference on Seafloor Landforms, Processes and Evolution (ICSLPE) was held for the second time. This year it took place on the beautiful island of Lipari. My name is Luisa Rollwage and I am a Master’s student of geophysics at Kiel University. During my […]
FYORD Travel Grant Reports: Impressions from EGU 2024 (Part 2)
EGU is the largest European geoscientific conference, and it is no surprise that many FYORD members attended. This month for the FYORD Travel Grant reports you will find some more EGU reports. Stay tuned to find out where the FYORD members travel to in the next month! Naveen’s impression of EGU 2024 I am Naveen, […]
Overcoming lack of funding as a PhD Fellow to attend EGU 24
I’m Mafalda, a 29-year-old Portuguese woman doing my doctorate at the University of Kiel with a Portuguese PhD fellowship that allows me to develop my project with the cooperation of GEOMAR and the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA). I’m doing my PhD in Marine Geology studying a natural submarine system where carbon […]
FYORD Travel Grant Reports: Impressions from the largest European geoscientific conference (Part 1)
With this blog post, we would like to introduce and launch our new cooperation with FYORD! FYORD is a joint network by CAU and GEOMAR initiated to connect and support Early Career Researchers of the marine sciences from Master’s to PostDoc level. After occasional exchanges in the past (see our blog here), we are very […]