Forensics in the sea

We explore the entire tree of life on the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN: animals, algae, bacteria, and viruses. The cruise focuses on the food web and ocean biodiversity. However, some animals, especially hunters such as squid and whales, are too big, fast or camera-shy for our instruments. To detect these top predators, we search […]

From fire bodies and barrel animals

One of the aims of the MSM126 expedition, embarked on its journey of discovery, is to shed light on gelatinous zooplankton diversity in Madeira water. In this regard, one particular focus lies on the enigmatic group of the thaliaceans (open-water tunicates in English and Manteltiere in German), often referred to as the enigmatic drifters of […]

In a nutshell: OBS & OBMT

To investigate the subsurface of the seafloor, we deploy geophysical instruments, which can „look“ below the seafloor bottom through the sediment and rock layers. We have two different types of devices, which complement each other. OBS stands for Ocean Bottom Seismometer, and is used to detect earthquakes. OBMT stands for Ocean Bottom MagnetoTellurics, and it […]

from MiningImpact Blog

Catch It If You Can! – Amphipods in the Deep-Sea

Let's get to know a deep-sea scavenging crustacean! Photo: Tasnim Patel

by Tasnim Patel, RBINS Life in the deep-sea is no picnic and dedicating your life to studying our last truly unexplored wilderness isn’t easy either. To sample fauna in the abyssal plains requires courage, expertise, commitment, financial backing and in my case …a pinch of luck. I’m studying deep-sea scavenging crustaceans, which are not only […]

from MiningImpact Blog

Deep-sea gardening

Microscopic images. Copyright ©Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent University, Freija Hauquier

by Dr. Freija Hauquier, Ghent University Underneath the seafloor lies an entire world of small animals crawling between the sediment grains, well hidden from the human eye at first glimpse. Yet they are numerous, diverse, and equally deserve our attention in the context of deep-sea mining. Sure, studying them requires a bit more patience than […]